Another summer of natural disasters unfolds across Australia . The Emergency Services across the Eastern States issue warnings and alerts for bushfires and floods, and advising communities in some areas to evacuate.
How prepared are pet owners for managing their pets in these kinds of disasters? Have they considered what they will do? Which pets they will evacuate? Where they will go if they take their pets with them? How long an evacuation with pets would take?
Dr Mel Taylor, Senior Research Fellow, University of Western Sydney
This study explored the preparedness of pet owners who have not previously experienced a disaster or emergency event with their pets. The study also examined what experiences pet owners have had in recent disasters when it comes to evacuating and managing their pets? The presentation provided an overview of what we know about pet owners’ actions in disasters and how recent disasters have uncovered shortcomings in emergency planning and also provided initial findings from the P3D project. The findings of this study assist Government agencies, Non-Government Organisations, and Emergency Services that also have roles in supporting this aspect of disaster and emergency management.
Podcasts are available of the presentations at the 2013 Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference, including Dr Mel Taylor’s session, by clicking here.