Deborah Bunker
Deborah Bunker is a Professor Emeritus of Systems and Information at the University of Sydney. She recently served as the Chief Science Officer for Natural Hazards Research Australia (2022-2024). Deborah is also a Chief Investigator on an EU Horizon 2020 project RISE_SMA Social Media Analytics for Society and Crisis Communication as well as for the Norwegian Research Council SAMRISK Work Program project INSITU Sharing Incident and Threat Information During Crises.
Professor Bunker is Chair of the Communications and Technology for Society Research Group and immediate past Chair of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 8.6 (Transfer and Diffusion of IT). She is the current Chair of the National Committee for Information and Communications Sciences (NCICS) of the Australian Academy of Science and was a Member of the Research Evaluation Committee (Mathematics, Information and Computing Sciences Panel) for the Excellence in Research for Australia evaluation process (ERA 2018, 2015). She has been a Track Co-Chair for the International Conference on IS (ICIS 2015, 2018) and was also a Program Co-Chair for the inaugural ICSRAM Asia Pacific Conference in Wellington, in November 2018. Professor Bunker is a Distinguished Editorial Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Information Management, Senior Editor for Information Technology and People and is also a Section Editor for the Australasian Journal of Information Systems.