Collin Sivalingum
State Emergency Services Manager, Red Cross
Collin Sivalingum is a trained member of the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) – Field Assessment Coordinating Team (FACT), responsible for field assessment to determine response and recovery strategy after a disaster. FACT Team members are deployed across the world at short notice from Federation Head Quarters in Geneva.
Collin has extensive management consultancy and project management experience and has worked in most countries in Africa and all countries in Sub-Sahara Africa and parts of Europe. Much of his humanitarian and aid work was in communities, where he experienced firsthand human suffering and highly displaced communities.
He is an IFRC Preparedness for Effective Response Facilitator for the Asia-Pacific Region, assisting Red Cross national societies in the region with the development of disaster management strategy and plans.
Besides being a Commander for Red Cross Emergency Operations, Collin is also a Board Member for CASSI; a disability support organisation that supports clients in Queensland and New South Wales, a founding member and President of Woodlands Community Inc.
He is currently the State Emergency Services Manager for Queensland Red Cross and is part of various strategic disaster management forums, working across disaster preparedness, response and recovery activities.