The 2018 Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference is almost here again, this year the Conference will be held over the 21-22 May at The Star Gold Coast.
Mr Kevin Humphreys, Chief Pilot, Queensland Government Air joins us to discuss ‘The Four Steps to Effective Recovery from Mental Illness’.
Do you know the 4 steps for a balanced and effective recovery from mental illness?
Mr Kevin Humphreys
Kevin Humphreys is a military combat pilot turned rescue helicopter pilot; a leader in wartime and civilian emergency services. Towards the peak of his military career he contemplated suicide and suffered a breakdown due to PTSD, depression, anxiety and bullying. He was ashamed; believing he had failed his country, his unit and his family. Kevin is back at the top of his game as the Chief Pilot of a rescue helicopter organisation, mental health advocate and speaker. He now provides a path for those in uniform showing mental illness is normal, manageable and recoverable for the great majority of people.
For more information on the 2018 Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference and to secure your spot, visit the conference website.