Purchasing Disaster Preparation Services
Advance preparation could enable the county to receive additional federal relief funds in case of a disaster, according to Danny Shows, president and CEO of Schaus Disaster Assistance Services.
The county will pay as much as $13,500 to the Ellisville-based firm.
“This is being proactive rather than reactive,” said District 5 Supervisor Billy Joe Holland during a Tuesday morning board meeting.
The firm will also help establish a list of pre-qualified contractors able to conduct debris removal and debris monitoring.
Contract templates and other document templates will also be compiled.
The debris management plan, the pre-qualified contractor list and the other documents should remain valid up to five years if renewed.
They said, if disaster strikes, the services should pay for themselves.
To view the article in full CLICK HERE.
The 5th Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference will be held at Jupiters Gold Coast, QLD on the 30-31 May 2016. The Conference theme ‘EARTH, FIRE and RAIN’ will continue to examine issues that impact preparedness, resilience, response and capability. To register for the Conference CLICK HERE.